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编辑: 研究生院 发布日期: 2018-07-06 浏览量:


                            Mathematics and Electrical Engineering

  主 讲 人:夏香根

         美国特拉华大学讲座教授,中国自然科学基金海外杰青,教育部长江学者讲座教授,中组部千人计划专家教授,IEEE Fellow

  时   间:2018年7月9日 9:30

  地   点:中关村校区 10号教学楼202报告厅





  夏香根 (Xiang-Gen Xia) 1992年获得美国南加州大学电子工程博士学位,现任美国特拉华大学讲座教授,曾是清华大学电子系无线通信Kumar讲座教授团教授,中国自然科学基金海外杰青(杰青B类),教育部长江学者讲座教授,中组部千人计划专家教授,韩国World Class University (WCU)讲座教授, 2005年ICASSP大会共同主席(General Co-Chair)。 曾获得1997年美国国家科学基金的青年教授生涯(CAREER)奖和1998年美国海军研究署青年研究员(YIP)奖。夏教授的研究方向主要是无线通信和雷达信号处理,他是IEEE Fellow。

   James E. Fowler is a Professor and Graduate Program Director of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Mississippi State University. His research interests include image processing and coding, hyperspectral imagery, compressed sensing. He has published more than 100 articles and conference papers. The total citation in Google Scholar is around 4900 times. Dr. Fowler is the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Signal Processing Letters. He is also an Associate Editor for the EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing. He was previously a Senior Area Editor for IEEE Transactions on Image Processing and Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. He is currently the publicity chair of the Data Compression Conference. He is a Fellow of the IEEE.



   In this talk, I will briefly discuss the importance of mathematics in electrical engineering. From my experience in USA over the past decades, I see that the most significant change in human daily life is in communications, such as smart phones, where mathematics plays an important role. I will briefly introduce some of the key components of math in communications: some elementary math and some more advanced math, such as, finite fields and orthogonal designs (or compositions of quadratic forms) etc. I will finally briefly show some of our recent results on orthogonal designs. If there is time, I will also talk about how to write good research papers.
